How to make Homemade Pasta Dough - Recipe

Following these simple instructions, and with a little bit of practice, you will master the art of making homemade pasta dough. Egg based Pasta dough is a versatile recipe, main ingredient for many kinds of pasta such us tagliatelle, spaghetti, dumplings, tortellini and ravioli.
- Level: Hard
- Preparation time: 20 minutes
- Total time: 80 minutes
- Yield: 4 servings
Cooking Directions:

Sift the all purpose flour on a clean, large and smooth surface or in a large bowl.
At the center of the flour, add the whole eggs, the extra virgin olive oil and the salt. Mix them with the help of a spoon or a fork, trying to slowly add more flour from the edges.
Keep kneading the pasta dough with your hands until you obtain a smooth and consistent dough.
Adjust with small quantities of flour or water to obtain a dough neither too sticky nor too dry.
Form a ball with the dough and let rest for about 1 hour wrapped in transparent foil or covered with a moist kitchen cloth.
To roll out the dough and obtain flat sheets we suggest the use of a pasta machine. This speeds up the step of making constant width sheets that will cook evenly.
The pasta dough is now ready to be cut to the desired pasta shape. You can use this pasta dough to prepare tagliatelle, spaghetti pasta or dumplings, tortellini and ravioli.
Cut small pieces of pasta dough and flour them lightly to avoid them being sticky. Roll the dough with the pasta machine from the thicker (usually 9) to the settings number 3 (not too thin) until you obtain a uniformly thick sheet.
For Tagliatelle
Using the pasta machine roll the dough with the tagliatelle cutter on position 2 or 3, depending on your preferences, to obtain tagliatelle ready to be cooked. Lay them well floured to avoid sticking together.
For Spaghetti
Using the pasta machine roll the dough with the spaghetti cutter on position 1 or 2, depending on your preferences, to obtain spaghetti. Lay them well floured to avoid sticking together.
For Dumplings
Using the pasta machine roll the dough on position 2 or 3, depending on your preferences, to obtain a dough thick enough to contain a filling without breaking apart. Lay the sheets well floured, trying not to overlap them, to avoid sticking together.
Cooking your Homemade Pasta
Cook the homemade pasta in boiling salty water. Time may vary depending on the thickness and shape of your pasta. Consider a longer time for tagliatelle and up to 10 minutes for filled dumplings cut at setting number 3. We suggest adding a tablespoon of oil to the boiling water to keep the homemade pasta from sticking while cooking.